MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries.

Spearheaded the design and implementation of 'Mech Variants for 2 DLCs to yield enjoyable piloting experiences for players.


  • Intermediate Game Designer


  • Unreal Engine 4
  • PGI MechBuilder
  • XML
  • Excel


  • Game Design
  • Game Balance


September 2023 - June 2024

Project Overview.

What is MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries?

MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries is a single-player, sandbox PVE BattleMech simulator. As a mercenary in the Inner Sphere, players are able to take on contracts to earn in-game currency and equipment to enhance their reputation and progress through the storyline.

"Get Even."


DLC Loadout Design

Designed and implemented 5 Longbow 'Mech variants and 7 Otomo 'Mech variants for DLC 5: The Dragon's Gambit. Designed and Implemented 6 LoaderKing 'Mech variants and 11 Gladiator 'Mech variants for DLC 6: Solaris Showdown. Reported to the leads of game, narrative, and level design teams to ensure 'Mech balance and quality assurance.

DLC Loadout Balancing

Implemented the DLC 'Mechs with the newest weapons and equipment to reinforce their combat specialties and give each 'Mech a unique personality. Balanced the armor and equipment distributions to ensure a healthy dose of offense, defense, mobility, and heat management — with the guidance of lead designers to faciliate rewarding combat.

DLC Loadout Examples:

The CPLT-K2-S. Kitted with lasers and ballistic weaponry to facilitate sustained long-ranged combat. Screenshot from FGustoh.
The BLR-1G-S. Kitted with weapons that perform well in all ranges with a minimum reliance on ammo for a versatile stock build. Screenshot from FGustoh.
The HGN-VEST. Kitted with Rapid-Fire ballistics, close-range missiles, and a melee greatsword to excel in burst damage/close combat. Screenshot from FGustoh.
The LDK-X2A. Kitted with predominantly Burst-Fire ballistics with high armor to excel in medium-ranged guerilla combat. Screenshot from FGustoh.

Design Challenges.


The main issue I encountered was prototyping designs and building loadouts to cater to the needs of the DLC's narrative and campaign. While Dragon's Gambit encouraged a multitude of playstyles across missions from diverse enemy encounters, Solaris Showdown had a focus on "Arena Combat", which was a close-range, brawler-esque, gladiatorial style of fighting. This enticed me to redesign many of the DLC 6 'Mechs and ensure that they had some sort of utility to excel in close range encounters.


The solution for DLC 6 was to approach the 'Mech designs from a "close-combat first" approach. To excel in close-range, I stripped down ammo capacities for 'Mechs that had such needs, and kitted them with increased armor and mobility through equipment such as Jump Jets (flight for a short duration) and Superchargers (increasing speed for a short duration) to meet their tonnage requirements. This was due to the fact that battles typically did not last long, and the extra ammo weight would be better allocated to increased survivability or offensive prowess. I prioritized weapons that excelled in close to medium range, while giving 'Mechs that didn't excel in a brawling environment some utility in close range, such as small lasers or melee weapons.


Enhanced Player Engagement.

Users commented on the novelty and versatility of the new 'Mechs, stating that the loadout configurations gave them the freedom to build around their desired playstyles, especially for special variants like the Otomo and the LoaderKing. A surge of very positive reviews on Steam corroborates this, with various users reporting an increase in game quality and enjoyment with the DLC additions.

DLC 6 Reviewer Kyle Again comments on the LoaderKing's durability and ability to house multiple heavy weapons for close combat effectiveness.
DLC 5 Reviewer FGustoh comments on the uniqueness and versatility of Otomo variants' stock loadouts, as well as their paintjobs.

"Not only do the DLCs greatly expand the number of mechs and weapons, they really add variety to the whole game."

- Gideon's Gaming Reviews

Reflection & Skills Gained

Being at the forefront of design work for 'Mechs was extremely daunting, although the zeal and excitement to create fun gameplay for them was a much more prominent feeling. This was also the first time I had the honor of working very closely alongside other design leads, especially within the realm of balancing the 'Mech loadouts for weapons and equipment.

Through this, I was able to sharpen my abiilty to work in a more constructive team setting, constantly bouncing balance ideas between each other to reach the goal of a polished product. Honing my written and verbal communication skills, as well as eye for game quality were also paramount skills gained from working on the Dragon's Gambit and Solaris Showdown DLCs. Lastly, I became more adept at autonomous work, constantly setting goals to deliver quality work for weekly deliverables.